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mixed media

Between land and sea (2023)


This project originated from a design competition for a new medal of honor from the municipality of Dijk en Waard. I designed two tokens: The Reclaimed Land in appreciation of long-term commitment to society and The Hydropower in appreciation of a special achievement. The latter was chosen as the winning design and will from now on find its way to people who have done something special or courageous for the municipality of Dijk en Waard. For the designs I looked at how the history of the municipality has determined the character of the area and how to translate this into an image. The tangle of islands of Langedijk, which originated from marshland, the tight allotment pattern of Heerhugowaard, the result of the reclamation of the Grote Waert lake, and the shape of the current municipality of Dijk en Waard were the guiding principles in the design. Together, the tokens represent the relationship between man and nature and a country created by man. The height differences in the design refer both to the natural process in which pieces of land are washed away by the water and to the human process of constructing dikes and draining areas.

Hongersteen (2022)


Hongersteen (de), grote steen of rots die bij extreem laag water zichtbaar wordt in de rivierbedding of op de bodem van meren. De benaming ontstond omdat men vreesde voor hongersnood als gevolg van rampzalige droogte.


In dit werk zocht ik naar de verwondering en het enthousiasme dat ik bij mijn zoon zie als hij buiten schatten vindt; stenen, schelpen, botten. Vaak voelt het alsof zijn ogen dingen zien die wij al lang zijn vergeten. Zijn generatie zal meer dan ooit de gevolgen van hoe wij met de aarde omspringen ondervinden. Door de klimaatcrisis sterven diersoorten uit, migreren mensen massaal en gaan hele biotopen verloren. Het is de onbevangen blik van een kind die ons opnieuw doet beseffen hoe ongelooflijk de natuur is en hoe onbegrijpelijk dat we alles voor lief lijken te nemen.


Het werk bestaat uit een verhaal en een serie tekeningen en schilderijen.


(...) De jongen roert in de stenenpoel.

'En als de nacht zou vallen, dan kon je hem ook oprapen toch?

Zou de nacht dan een fossiel kunnen worden?

Alle grijze stenen komen van de maan, wist je dat? (...)

Free Play (2021)


I developed this work together with Alper Demir (as the designer duo Kaplum) for Catwalk: Forces of Nature  van Textiel Festival Twente 2021. It was on display for half a year at the Twickel estate, on the grounds of Museum Farm Wendezoele. 

We transformed the image of the 'Twentse Ros' (Twente stallion) -  a symbol of regional pride and identity - to a monumental work that will change through the seasons and in the end even partially decay. The skeleton will however always remain. Just like the once big and flourishing textile industry of Twente seemingly disappeared. The basis, the skeleton, the knowledge and the history also remained and are ready to be revived.


In June 2022 the work has been placed at Pluktuin van Geesje (Oudkarspel).

Cabinet of Curiosities (2021)


Cabinet of Curiosities is an installation consisting of a handmade wooden table, sculptures and collages of textiles, turned wood, children's drawings and an integrated story.



Where do you go when you die?

I think to the Africa museum and then they stuff you.


The mother pulls the sweater over his head and his shorts over his knees. The waves are not that high, but neither is the sun.


We get rid of terrifying births, even children,

when they are born flawed and monstrous, we drown

and it is certainly not anger, but reason that separates the useless

from the healthy. (Seneca, De Ira, 40 AD)


"Don't!" the father shouts, but the son has already jumped. The pit swallowed him up. His feet get wet. They have reached the sea.


When will I get sick mom?

You don't get sick.

But if I get sick, when?


(no title), exhibition Space Forms in Kunsteyssen, Alkmaar
(no title)
After departure
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@2015 by Anna van Gerve | Writer, visual artist, architectural historian

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